Cuisinart Ice 20 1 half quart Automatic Ice-Cream Maker

Cuisinart ice 20bc cream makers

Nothing like a 90 degree summer day with an ice cream maker in the backyard for the kids.  It’s always been something we’ve enjoyed but it is a much more simple process now with a Cuisinart icecream maker.

It is amazing to think you can start making ice cream within 20-30 minutes of starting the machine up.  And it is quiet (well, relative to older ice cream machines). You just add your recipe mixture and hit the button, and it will begin to churn out the smoothest ice cream you could ever imagine.

The key with a Cuisinart Ice 20 machine is to keep the bowls in the freezer.  Both bowls.  The process should be started once you take the bowl and the ingredients out of the refrigerator and freezer.  The idea is to keep these bowls as cold as possible so that the recipe stays true.

Recipes come with the Cuisinart Ice Cream maker, but you can find some gems in the Ben and Jerry’s Homemade icecream recipe book.  This should keep you busy for a while, also keep in mind you are best off just using simple recipes like Milk, Vanilla, Sugar, Salt, Egg Yolk, etc and alter the measurements to find how you like it best.

Your best bet is to check out Amazon for 30$ off.  The Cuisinart 20 auto icecream maker is 49$ instead of 80$ along with FREE amazon shipping.  There are Cuisinart Ice Cream Makers all over eBay too, just watch for deals under 50$ so you can save some money.  Sign up for kitchen products at ebay now.

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